Your life situation: career

Career start

Interruption of employment
Many situations can lead to employment being interrupted: a trip around the world, full-time further education, the decision to be a stay-at-home husband or wife, or even illness or accident-related interruption of employment. For these significant changes, the VVK’s household budget and the provision plan provide a clear overview of how the new situation will affect financial obligations, savings goals, or provision goals.

Re-entering work life
Re-entering work life is challenging on many levels. But thanks to VVK’s individual provision plan, based on an exact household budget, you always have an overview of your financial situation.
VOPLA® LifeProtect®

Part-time work
When it comes to part-time work, a lot should be considered with regard to provision and insurance. But also the financial situation should be precisely analysed and optimised by means of a household budget, and the provision planning by means of a VVK provision plan.